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Dead-Letter Queue

When an endpoint fails to process a request, the request will be store in the Dead-Letter Queue. You can inspect the request later.

​​ Retry

By default, the request will be retried three times in the first 5, 30 and 120 seconds, you can change the retry count in the chain’s configuration.

You can override this benefactor by setting X-GatewayChain-Retry-Until header with a Unix timestamp.

​​ Inspect

You can either use the console or the API to view the dead-letter queue. You can also setup a workflow to handle the dead-letter queue. View Dead-Letter Queue workflow for more information.

​​ Limitations

Dead-Letter Queue has a limit based on your account’s storage size. When the queue is full, the oldest message will have a final retry, it will be deleted no matter it’s success or not.